Thought I Had A UTI But I Was Pregnant

There might have been a time when you feel a dull pain around your vaginal area, and you might have concluded that you have been infected with a bladder infection. Interestingly, it turns out to be that you are pregnant, but what i have to say first to you is congratulations.

If you have found yourself in a similar spot like the one above then take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. So many women must have felt like they have been hit with a urinary tract infection, but they end up being pregnant. How is this possible? Do they share similar symptoms?

The reason for this is that the early signs of pregnancy like a slight pain in the abdomen or constant urge to pee are all signs of a urinary tract infection as well. On the other hand, your body might also trigger a urinary tract infection if you get pregnant.

Thought I Had A UTI But I Was Pregnant

Going for a culture test is the surest way to tell if you have a urinary tract infection or if you are pregnant, because confusing the symptoms of a urinary tract infection and pregnancy is very easy. Below are some symptoms that will help you differentiate between pregnancy and a UTI;

  • The presence of a mild fever
  • Having a cloudy, smelling, and dark colored urine
  • Feeling a burning or sharp sensation while urinating
  • Vomiting, nausea, chills, and a high fever which, and this can also indicate kidney problems
  • Sharp pain on both sides or one side of the back or lower belly

You should consider seeing a doctor immediately if you notice these symptoms so you can be administered proper treatment and medication to help deal with any underlying problem. A doctor will carry out a urine test to confirm a urinary tract infection before proceeding with treatment.

Can You Be Pregnant And Think It Is A UTI?

Thought I Had A UTI But I Was Pregnant

Yes, there is a possibility for you to be pregnant but think you are coming down with a urinary tract infection. You might wonder how possible this is, but this is based on the fact that a urinary tract infection and pregnancy share similar early symptoms.

It doesn’t matter whether you are pregnant or not, but almost every woman will be affected with a urinary tract infection. Having a urinary tract infection is not a death sentence, but it is essential that you consult with a doctor to be sure if you have a urinary tract infection for proper treatment. ‘

It is common for a pregnant woman to develop several infections, and one out of ten women will have a urinary tract infection without any symptoms during pregnancy. There are several changes that happens in the body of a pregnant woman that increases the possibility of getting a UTI.

Changes to your immune system and the makeup of a woman’s urine also increase the possibility of coming down with a urinary tract infection. If you are pregnant and have a UTI, you are at risk of high blood pressure, and you might also give birth to your baby prematurely.

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Can Early Pregnancy Trigger A UTI?

Yes, women are at risk of having a urinary tract infection during the early stages of pregnancy. Like you read in the previous section of this article, it is a common thing for a pregnant woman to develop a urinary tract infection when she is pregnant.

Starting from the sixth week down to the twenty forth week, pregnant woman are very much vulnerable to being infected with a urinary tract infection. Why is this so? This is because of how the uterus is positioned to sit right on top of the bladder.

As the pregnancy grows, it can cause a blockage of the urine away from the bladder because of the increase in weight. This is one of the most significant causes of a urinary tract infection during pregnancy. Hormonal changes on the other hand also exposes the body to a urinary tract infection.

When Do UTIs Start Pregnancy?

The chances of being hit by a UTI varies according to each trimester, but the sixth week is when your chances of getting infected with a urinary tract infection is high. The anatomy of the urinary tract will change during pregnancy, making it easy fora woman to be affected by a urinary tract infection.

Can UTI Cause Miscarriage At Eight Weeks?

There are several stories pregnant women are told that could cause them to have a miscarriage, and a urinary tract infection is among the myths people believe can cause a miscarriage during pregnancy. Bearing this in mind, a urinary tract infection will not cause miscarriage during the eight week of pregnancy.

Several other myths people believe can cause a miscarriage during pregnancy includes having sex, acute stress, taking birth control pills, among others. You shouldn’t be worried about the possibility of having a miscarriage during pregnancy because of a UTI as it is has no scientific backing.

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Preventing UTI During Pregnancy

It is common and sometimes painful fora woman to have a urinary tract infection during pregnancy, but there are a few things that you can do to cut down the possibility of getting infected with a UTI when you are pregnant. Check out these few things below;

  • Drinking enough water
  • Peeing as much as possible
  • Making use of cotton underwear more when pregnant
  • Practicing good hygiene when you are pregnant
  • Ensuring that you wipe correctly
  • Make sure you eat well

What To Expect During Early Stages Of Pregnancy

After having a urine culture test, you have found out that you do not have a urinary tract infection, but the test proves you are pregnant. After the excitement and celebration, there are things you need to take note of that happens during early pregnancy.

  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Swollen breasts
  • Cravings
  • Tiredness
  • Frequent Urination
  • Heartburn

Final Thoughts

These are all of the things that you need to look out for when you find out you are pregnant as they are common during the early stages of pregnancy. I am also sure you will be relieved when you find out you are pregnant and not infected by a urinary tract infection.

You can see from all that has been said in this post that the symptoms of a UTI and pregnancy are very similar. This explains why people confuse both of them. Hopefully, all the information provided in this article will get you prepared not just for preventing and dealing with UTI, but also staying sharp while pregnant.

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