Newborn Sleeping Too Much Causes – Is It A Medical Condition?

Newborn babies sleeping excessively are among the most challenging tasks for mothers because they are not used to resting schedules. As a result, some mothers might feel concerned if their baby sleeps too much, even during the day.

Some babies might have an exceptional medical condition that makes them sleep too much. In addition, premature babies always have some sleeping patterns that are quite different from normal babies. 

A newborn baby can sleep for a long hour, but when the baby sleeps all day, it should be of great concern for the mother because this can only happen if the baby is sick or has had a busy day. 

Mothers should understand that every baby’s sleep patterns are different and not the same. Sometimes, a baby might be extra tired, maybe due to excessive cry, and might take a very long nap than usual. 

When she sleep excessively and does not disturb her night sleep, the mother does not need to worry about her health.

Newborn Sleeping Too Much Causes – Long Hours Sleep For A Baby

If your baby is sleeping too much even during the day, you need to confirm if it’s normal tiredness or medical issues causing them to sleep excessively.

Infections, jaundice, and circumcision can lead to excessive sleep for your baby. When all these happen, your pediatrician should check your baby’s weight. Babies that do not eat much can become dehydrated and maybe lose weight. 

However, early intervention from a pediatrician can ensure that a baby gets enough to eat. You need always to wake your baby every three hours to eat. Waking a baby up to eat also has timing and procedures.

A baby should not go longer than two to four hours without breastfeeding for the first two weeks after birth. So mothers should always wake their babies when it’s time to eat. 

For formula-fed babies, they shouldn’t go longer than four hours in their sleep before you wake them to breastfeed them. In breastfeeding, don’t let your baby sleep for more than four hours so that you won’t put your baby at risk of not getting much to eat.

Sleeping helps a baby get rid of illness, so it’s good for your baby always to take a nap. But it’s a different story when a baby is sick, and you notice she sleeps all day. Your baby sleeping for long hours might be a blessing to you, but if it’s too much, there might be a need for you to wake her.

Newborn Sleeping Too Much Causes

Baby Sleeps Too Much Medical Condition?

A baby who sleeps often should not cause concern unless it’s due to some health problems. Mothers should observe some symptoms in their baby and give medical attention instantly. Some of the common health problems that can lead to excessive sleep for a newborn baby are:

1. Developmental leap

2. Cold and weather change

3. Immunization

4. Respiratory infection, which can lead to difficulties in breathing

Babies that sleep too much can be jaundiced, or maybe they don’t get much food from their mother. A newborn baby with jaundice might end up having yellow color skin and white eyes. Other symptoms of jaundice are: being lazy, having difficulties eating, and being irritable.

Newborn babies sleep from thirty minutes to four hours. In their first few weeks after birth, it is normal for them to wake up to eat and then go back to sleep. But as they grow to an infant, they will start having a schedule for resting and sleeping. 

They will prefer to sleep at night, though they might still wake up to feed in the night. Most newborn babies don’t have a sleep schedule until they are 6month old, which varies from baby to baby. The time scale for sleeping varies widely, while some can sleep for eight hours during the day and nine hours at night. Some still prefer to wake up after three hours to feed constantly. 

Mothers should observe their baby’s sleep routine to know when their sleep is abnormal. For example, newborn babies may sleep excessively when they are sick and are experiencing a disruption in their body system. 

Managing a newborn baby’s sleep is never an easy task because they are not accustomed to a specific time, unlike adults. some mothers can worry that their baby is sleeping too much; any mother that is such concerned should keep a sleeping log and understand how long her baby sleeps during the day and night

Mothers should observe their newborn babies if they gain too much weight after a few weeks, but they still sleep excessively. You might accept that your baby is a good sleeper and need no longer worry. 

For the first two to three weeks after birth, most babies, if not all, will always eat and sleep. But mothers should ever wake them for feeding like eight to twelve times a day. After three weeks, the baby’s sleeping pattern might change, and this varies as some babies sleep longer than others. 

Regular Sleeping Schedule For Newborn Baby

Take a walk with your baby during the day so that your baby will be exposed to natural light. Mothers can also develop a routine like bathing, massaging, and nursing their baby at night. Another routine is to try to touch their baby’s face with a wet cloth before breastfeeding them and remove some clothing layers to allow them to get warm and wake up when it’s time to feed them.

A regular long nap from your newborn baby should not be a significant concern as long as your baby wakes up healthy and normal. It will help wake them up every three to four hours to check for sick babies. 

When you notice that their sleep coincides with symptoms like tiredness and laziness, dehydration like-colored urine, irritation, interest in eating, and unresponsiveness, call your doctor immediately for medication when you wake them.

Chronic sleepiness can be an excellent concern for mothers though we all need more time to rest. If your baby sleeps for seventeen hours and it’s interfering with her feeding, you should let your doctor know about it before it gets serious.

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