Gassy Breastfed Baby At Night – How To Relieve Baby Gas

If you care about relieving a gassy breastfed baby at night, then this article is for you. There is a list of certain foods that mothers are supposed to not eat while nursing. Although some mothers have done away with these specific foods and their baby’s gassiness has reduced. Although they claim that deleting certain foods while nursing has a good influence in improving baby gas, there has been absolutely no scientific research to prove it.

Although some pediatricians will advise skipping a few foods from your diet, though not all gassy foods, there are a lot of them, and if you attempt to skip all gassy foods from your diet, you would be left with a bit of choice of food to have and less food.

At the same time, nursing will cut down on the amount of milk your breast will produce and lesser the amount of milk your baby will have. That said, it doesn’t dispute that some of the foods you ingest could disturb your baby’s digestive system.

And another breastfeeding mother will have this same food, and her baby will be wonderful. So The theory that foods you eat can trouble your baby’s digestive system does happen, mostly in younger babies, and even at this, babies are different.

Gassy Breastfed Baby At Night

Gassy Breastfed Baby At Night

You will have to stay away from certain foods if it has come to your notice that your baby has an apparent allergic reaction to a food you ate before breastfeeding. But, except for this, there is no reason for you to stop having some foods automatically.

The fact is just that all babies are gassy, especially a few weeks after they are born, but some babies are gassier than some others. Normas is because their digestive system is still underdeveloped and immature, so gassiness doesn’t always have anything to do with what mothers eat while breastfeeding.

Many mothers eliminate some foods while breastfeeding, and it works for their baby in reducing gassiness; they will want to share the idea with their friends. Not knowing that it doesn’t apply to all mothers.

On the other side, formula-feeding mothers can blame it on the type of formula they give their baby (This is partially true because some babies could be allergic to a foreign ingredient used in the formula).

Causes Of Gas In Breastfed Babies

1. When babies are little, they can’t speak to you about what they want or when they want it. So the only way for you to know that they are hungry, or need to be changed, or want to sleep is by crying. Crying is a cause of gas because they swallow air while crying because gas will make them uncomfortable, leading them to cry and scream,m letting you know they are not okay.

2. The amount of air your baby swallows while breastfeeding is times two the amount of air your baby swallows while being bottle-fed. So to reduce the intake of air, get the slowest bottle nipples to minimize the flow of milk your baby is getting from the bottle.

3. When your baby gets too much milk too fast, it can cause gassiness in your baby. Either from the bottle or your nipple.

4. By the time your baby is about 8weeks and above, they will not stool much; it can take 3-5 days or even more before they stool, which can make your baby gassy. As far as your baby’s abdomen does not become solid or hard these days, they don’t pass stool; everything is excellent. And when they finally stool, their stool is soft and not hard and is abundant; there is no need to worry.

5. Some babies develop specific allergies and sensitivities when they are young, and some mothers might not know it. For example, foods you take like Diary and Diary products have been proven to increase gas in your baby. So if your baby is sensitive to Diary, you will notice some signs apart from gas like vomiting, spitting out, rash, diarrhea after you’ve taken Diary and fed them afterward.

Some ways to prevent your baby from waking up at night with gas. 

Breastfed babies being gassy at night Is simply because they did not burp them before they were laid to sleep. Burping is the most important way to reduce and avoid gas problems in your baby.

Most babies tend to fall asleep while being fed, especially at night. As a result, somee mothers may now feel that they do not need to burp them since their baby is already sleeping peacefully.

Even if your baby fell asleep during feeding, you need to burp them for a while before laying them down to sleep, so they don’t wake up at night crying with pains from trapped gas in their abdomen.

Burping a sleepy baby can be tricky because it is slightly different from burping an awake baby. Here are a few different and easy ways to burp your baby if they had fallen asleep while eating.

How To Burp Baby While Sleeping

1. Carrying on your shoulder:

If you feed your baby at an angle when feeding, then it will be easy for you to move them gently up to your shoulder, with their neck resting on the side of your neck, and then you pat their back for about 5 to 10 minutes or more.

2. Holding/rocking on one arm:

After you are done feeding, gently place your baby on your forearm, their stomach and head resting below your elbow, your palm holding their bum, and they are led dangling on both sides of your arm. Then pat their back; some babies will spit up, pass gas, or burp. You can do this burping method while sitting or standing, either way.

3. Laying your baby on your knees:

Sit in a chair, and lay your baby on both of your laps, facing them down on their tummy, making sure their head is well-rested. Then pat their back gently, and sway your legs from side to side; keep a napkin or handkerchief nearby in case your baby spits up.

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