How Can I Poop Immediately While Pregnant?

Constipation is one of the most common symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy, although some women experience it much later in their pregnancies.

There are, however, remedies for constipation, to help pregnant women poop more easily.

How Can I Poop Immediately While Pregnant

We do not advise women with prior history of complications during pregnancy to try and force poop out as this can be dangerous to their health and that of their babies.

In this article, we would discuss the common causes of constipation and its treatments or remedies.

Causes Of Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation can be caused by a number of factors which include:

Prenatal Medications:

The vitamins administered during prenatal care are packed with iron and other minerals that can lead to constipation during pregnancy.

Hormonal Changes:

The rate at which a woman has bowel movements during pregnancy is reduced due to changes in her hormones.

The slower bowel movement becomes, the more the stool gets solid as the colon absorbs most of the water from the stool.

Pressure On The Bowels:

As the baby develops and the uterus grows, it begins to put pressure on the stomach and bowel, making it difficult to pass out stool.

Constipation can lead to loss of bowel movement, stomach upset, bloating, painful stool sessions, and discomfort during pregnancy.

How Can I Poop Immediately While Pregnant

Treatments For Constipation

Even though constipation is normal among pregnant women, there are ways to get relief from constipation. Here are some remedies to constipation during pregnancy:

Using Laxatives

Laxatives are one of the most effective and commonly used remedies for constipation.

However, it is important that you carefully chose which laxative to use as some laxatives can induce contractions. Consult your doctor for medical advice on the best and safest laxatives to use.

Eating Fibrous Foods

For relief from constipation, we advise that you fortify your diet with foods that are rich in fiber and also take vegetables, fruits, and fiber supplements.

This can aid and improve bowel movements, the recommended amount of fiber intake per day for adults is 28grams to 34grams.

Reduced Iron Intake

For women whose constipation is a result of the high iron intake from prenatal vitamins, we advise that you consult with your doctor. He is likely to recommend prenatal vitamins with lesser amounts of iron.

Take Lots Of Fluid

Taking lots of fluid helps to soften stool and aid the easier passage of stool. These fluids are not restricted to water alone. You can take fluids like fruits with lots of water, tea, soups, or juices.


Foods like yogurt contain high levels of probiotics and provide the body with the good bacteria it needs to fight the bad bacteria in your body and improve bowel movement.

Physical Activities

It is important that you exercise regularly and keep yourself busy with physical activities as mild as daily walks or intense as core exercises.

Eating Small Quantity

In addition to these remedies, it is important that you reduce the amount of food that your intestine has to digest per time to aid easier bowel movement.

We, therefore, recommend eating small portions of food five to six times a day.

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Types Of Laxatives

Stool softeners: These are generally safer laxative types for pregnant women. They help soften stool and aid easier passage. The most commonly recommended stool softener is Colace.

Bulk-forming agents: This type of laxative causes cramps and discomfort and is not very advisable for pregnant women.

If you must use any bulk-forming agent laxatives like methylcellulose, do well to inform your doctor and take only a small dose of it.

Osmotic laxatives:

These laxatives draw water into the intestine to aid bowel movement. Unfortunately, they also cause abdominal cramps and bloating.

Lubricant laxatives:

These laxatives lubricate the stool and the intestine walls to make passing stool easier. Before using any of these lubricants, consult your doctor for professional advice.

It is important to note that excessive use of some of these laxatives is not only likely to result in bowel contraction and easy passage of stool but also lead to contraction of the uterus.

It could also make your bowel get used to pushing stool out. Stool softeners are about the safest of all these laxatives.

Can Forcing Poop Cause Miscarriage?

Most miscarriages are a result of the woman’s health condition, lifestyle, or issues with the child’s chromosomes.

None of these factors include constipation or forcing poop. Just as constipation during pregnancy is not harmful and is unlikely to hurt your baby, the same way forcing poop will not cause you to miscarry your pregnancy.

However, straining or forcing bowel movements can result in tears and rectal hemorrhoids which can cause bleeding.

This kind of bleeding (rectal), unlike vaginal bleeding, does not affect your baby and should not be a cause for concern, except if the bleeding becomes heavier than just a few spots.

At this point, you might want to visit your doctor and have it checked out.

Can Too Much Folic Acid Cause Miscarriage?

Research shows that taking an excessive amount of folic acid during pregnancy is likely to put your girl child at risk of suffering from obesity and diabetes as she grows.

However, taking a good dosage of folic acid during the early stages of pregnancy protects your baby against spinal cord defects and meningitis.

Women who have a health history of spinal cord defects or meningitis are advised to take 4mg of folic acid every day.

The generally recommended daily dosage of folic acid for pregnant women according to World Health Organization (WHO) is 0.4mg.

When Should I Be Concerned About Constipation During Pregnancy?

We advise that you pay a visit to your doctor if constipation lasts longer than normal, which is between one to two weeks.

Normally, constipation during pregnancy does not last too long and rarely needs treatment to make it go away.

In the event that your constipation is lasting too long, even after using laxatives and other remedial measures, a visit to the doctor would be wise since long-term constipation can lead to lodgment of feces in the intestine which would not likely be removed without the help of a doctor.

Also, if constipation is followed by lower abdominal pains or you begin to pass out bloody feces, you must consult your doctor immediately.


It is possible to poop immediately during pregnancy and we have shown you a few ways to make that possible.

It is important that you take note of the important instructions and be on alert to call your doctor in case any worrisome development arises.

Besides any complication, you can very well get over constipation while you are pregnant.

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