What Are The Most Common Childhood Accidents?

Accidents are inevitable during childhood as kids are not mature enough to take care of and protect themselves against these accidents. There are a few accidents that are common among kids and we would be discussing them in this article. Read on!

Most Common Childhood Accidents

Choking on Food

It is very common for young kids to choke on their food when they try to stuff their mouths with large pieces of food. This is a totally preventable accident but it keeps recurring on regular basis. This accident often results in fatal outcomes.

To prevent this accident from happening, make a point of cutting their food into small enough sizes before they begin to eat.

What Are The Most Common Childhood Accidents

Dog Bites                                                                      

Dogs who have received little or training on how to behave around people might pose a threat to your kids as most dogs get startled and aggressive when they get unexpected actions like squealing and jumping from toddlers and young kids, especially ones they are not so familiar with.

These actions might come off to your pet as a threat and if your child is alone with the said dog, there is a high chance that your dog will attack and bite your kid. Never leave your kid alone with your pet without supervision and caution your child who you observe is being too rough with the pet.

If you have a pet who is always over excited, we recommend that you use a muzzle while both dog and child get accustomed to each other.


Strangulation in the home is caused by one of the household items that are most hazardous with kids around. We are talking about window blind cord. A child could accidentally reach for it if it is left dangling in the open or anywhere within his reach. It is therefore advised that you purchase blinds that break if pressure is put on them.

If you decide to buy regular blinds with cord, ensure that the window blind cord are tied up and secure out of the reach of kids. Also sensitize kids about the harm in using cords as play toys.

Falling Down Stairs                    

It is of utmost importance that your kids do not use the stairs without your knowledge. Stair accidents are one of the very common and dangerous kind of accidents your kids can get involved in, as they could slip and fall while trying to reach the next step.

Protective gates are recommended at the top and bottom of the stairs to help prevent accidents, and handrails for kids to be able to hold on to when using the stairs with your supervision.

Choking On Batteries

Choking on small batteries found in toys and wristwatches is one of the many common and dangerous childhood accidents that occur. These batteries burn through the throat when swallowed and causes fatal damage. A child who swallows toy batteries might have to live on medical support for a long time, if not all his life.

In extreme cases or cases not properly handled, it could lead to death. We recommend close supervision for children while they are playing with battery-powered toys and make sure not to keep any button batteries out in the open. Properly dispose old batteries and store new ones safely.

Detergent Poisoning                                                             

Lots of liquid and tablet soaps for laundry or dishes come in various fragrances and colors which at a glance, makes them look more like a drink to your kid, than a detergent. Since you know this, it is important that you keep your detergents far away from your kid’s reach to prevent them from drinking the chemical substance.

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Overdosing on Painkillers

Like tablet detergents, kids can easily mistake some medicines for sweets, especially colored medicines like Ibuprofen.

When they get a hold of these medicines they think are sweets, they can overdose on them and this is very dangerous to kids which could be very fatal. Keeping your painkillers, and all medications in general, away from your kids is very crucial.

Bathtub And Pond Drowning

Research shows that one third of bathtub drowning cases involve bath seats. On no account should your kids take their baths without supervision or left unattended at any point, especially if you use bath seats when bathing them. Bathtub drowning is one of the most tragic and recurring childhood accidents that take place.

This particular childhood accident is very avoidable but there are consistent records of bathtub drowning everywhere.

Garden ponds alike, it is important that you do not leave your kids alone around an open pond as kids have been known to find them attractive and could easily tumble over into the pond without adult supervision. You can either fence off the pond area or cover it up when your kids are playing in the garden to avoid mishaps.

What To Do If A Child Has An Accident

First, do well to learn a thing or two about first aid in order to have an idea of how to handle any situation that arises. You can enroll with the Red Cross or other medical facilities to  get started on learning. You would not want to be helpless when your kids get involved in some sort of accident so here are a few things you can do if your child has an accident:

Different accidents require different measures to handle them. We would list each accident scenario and the measures to take for them.

  • If your kid is gasping for breath, loses consciousness, stops breathing or is not waking up, and you are not sure if to move them from their current position, we advise that you immediately call a ambulance or your healthcare provider and keep them warm while you want for the ambulance to arrive.
  • If your kid has an injury or a cut on the arm or leg that keeps bleeding, making it difficult for him to use his arms and legs, keep pressure on the wound with a clean cloth and immediately take him to the accidents and emergency department. Apply pressure on the sides of the cut if there is an object stuck in the wound. Also avoid moving the arms or legs if you suspect a fracture or breakage.
  • If your kid swallows any poisonous substance like detergents or medicine overdose, has stomach upset or fever that is not responding even after taking ibuprofen or PCM, we also recommend taking the kid to the accidents and emergency department. Salt and water therapy is more likely to make them sick than relieved.
  • If your child has an object stuck in their ear or in the nose, do not attempt to remove it as you might be pushing it further inside the ear or nose. Immediately take your child to the accidents and emergency department and let it be treated with urgency.
  • If your kid has a burn, quickly put the affected area under cool running water or dip in cool water and let it remain for couple of minutes only, not too long to prevent your toddler from catching a cold. Remove from water and cover the burned spots with clean cotton. Putting toothpaste or oil would only cause your child some more pain by the time the burn is to be treated, since those substances have to be wiped off first. If it is a minor burn, it should heal in no time but a more sever burn will require a visit to the accidents and emergency department.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do I Know If My Baby Is OK After A Fall?

After a fall, your baby is likely to spend time resting based on doctor’s recommendation since the fall might make them sleepy. However, we advise that you wake your baby at intervals to be sure they are doing fine. At the interval wake up sessions, check to see if there are any signs of a head injury from the fall.

If your baby wakes up easily, recognizes you when he wakes up, is not struggling to breathe, then your baby should be fine. Still you need to give him close monitoring incase of any development.

If the reverse is the case and you notice that your baby does not recognize you, had a hard time waking up or is having labored breathing, it is important that you seek medical help immediately.  doctor may recommend rest for a baby after a fall.


A number of these accidents are avoidable. Kids only need utmost care and attention at their young age. Now that you know about these accidents and how to prevent or handle them, your kids can have a safer childhood experience.

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