Does Sperm Make A Woman Look Younger?

Women today have been told stories to make them believe that sperm makes them look younger. Does this mean sperm has anti-aging properties? Would your skin be free from wrinkles and all sorts of you apply sperm on your skin? These are random questions that are likely to cross your mind when you come across myths like this.

The fact is there is no scientific evidence that supports applying semen or sperm on the skin, and anyone who does this is at risk of a sexually transmitted infection, or getting an allergic reaction. Surprisingly, sperm is known to contain a lot of nutrients, but the consumption or topical use of sperm is one that has no scientific support or evidence to back it up.

The belief that sperm will improve your appearance and skin complexion are all myths, and you place yourself at risk of dermatitis when you apply sperm on your skin. So many stories and claims finds its way to the internet regarding sex and semen.

Health experts discourages anyone from swallowing sperm or using it as a cream because of stories claiming sperm has anti-aging properties. Sperm do not contain anti-aging properties, but there are other ideal skincare routines that can be followed if you want your skin to look fresh and young.

Does Sexual Abstinence Make People Look Younger?

No, there is no proof or evidence to show that sexual abstinence makes a person looks younger. The opposite is believed to be the case as people who have a certain amount of sex weekly are known to look younger than those who do not.

Several researches have surfaced online to backup claims that having sex about three times a week can make a person look younger, and there are studies that shows that having sexual intercourse about three times a week is capable of expanding your life expectancy.

However, being able to preserve good looks comes from enjoying sex or having pleasurable sex, and this means just having any kind of sex will not get rid of your wrinkles and make you look young. Doctor David Weeks who is a clinical pyschologist believes having pleasurable sex can make you look five to seven years younger.

This is a good alternative for people who are deeply in love and married. Having pleasurable sex and looking young helps you cut down what you spend on expensive moisturizers, face masks, and night creams. Apart from looking younger, there are other benefits that comes from having constant sex;

  • Enhanced immunity
  • Reduced pain
  • Relieving stress

What Are The Benefits Of Swallowing Semen For Women?

There have been little or no research to know the benefits of swallowing semen for women, but one fact that has been established is both parties would feel confident and more in connected with each other when this happens.

All the claims on the internet about swallowing semen in women are false, and this is because a small amount of semen is produced during ejaculation. This makes it impossible for it to have health effects since the amount consumed is probably too low.

In 2002, a notable study revealed the connection between semen and mood. This study showed that women who came in direct contact with semen had little possibility of getting depressed. This study also revealed that sexual activity itself is a good way of improving moods.

Another study in 2003 proved that women who swallowed sperm experienced little or no preeclampsia. The fact is more researches are needed to confirm all of these, and women should note that oral sex without protection places them at risk of sexually transmitted infections.

Why Do Some People Look Much Younger Than Their Age?

Does Sperm Make A Woman Look Younger?

Lifestyle related factors and genetic factors contribute to why people look younger than their actual age. Everyone would age, but how slow or fast you age comes down to your genetics and the sort of life you live.

Going through life stress everyday can make you look older than your actual age, and here are some tips you can follow if you want to look young and stress-free;

  • Learn how to protect your skin from sun, and you can do this by making use of sunblocks
  • Ensure that you consistently practice a good skincare routine
  • Make a hairstyle that is current, and try out current hairstyles that you can easily style yourself in several ways
  • Try to schedule a makeup appointment from time to time
  • Make sure you try to follow new trends and styles, but this doesn’t mean dressing in outfits you are not comfortable in
  • Quit snacking at night time
  • Paint your nails
  • Exercise constantly, and you do not have to spend lengthy hours at the gym

The skin is the easiest way to tell if someone actually looks younger than their age, so making use of sunblocks is something you must pay attention to if you want to protect your skin from the sun. Finally, getting a good rest at night helps the skin, body, and mind feel relaxed.

What Does Sperm Do To Your Skin?

There are people who believe that sperm has the ability to treat and improve acne. Why do people believe this? This is because sperm contains a compound called spermine which has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Spermine is also believed to fight wrinkles that surface on the skin.

These are what people believe in, but there is no scientific backing that proves the use of semen helps in treating and improving acne conditions. There are risks that comes with using semen on your skin as you it can result in an allergic reaction or even contacting a sexually transmitted infection.

Since there is no scientific evidence to show that sperm is good for the skin, it is best that you avoid applying sperm on your skin. Sperm would not provide your skin with a youthful appearance, and it also would not fight off blemishes present on your skin.

When it comes to working on your skin, it is best you speak with a dermatologist so you can find the best way to treat and care for your skin.

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