Can Teething Cause Ear Infection

Can Teething Cause Ear Infection? What Are Its Possible Symptoms?

Fuzziness in babies could be related to fairly many things. One of them being the fact that they are growing out a new tooth. This incident generally is something you would not take notice of till you all see them. These symptoms can actually start one week before you actually begin to notice new tooth growth.

Can Teething Cause Ear Infection

Can Teething Cause Ear Infection

So confirming it might definitely take a long time which could be disadvantageous to your baby’s health. Many babies also tend to essentially get ear infections asides tooth cutting. Many children based on some particular reasons, tend to generally get these infections from childhood then start outgrowing them.

And since they usually possess small earlobes, it is very possible that various particles can kind of get stuck within, giving rise to these ear issues in a big way. It is not easy to prevent these infections so you can only do so much to combat this particular issue.

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Is it actually possible for babies to catch ear infections from teething?

Pains from teething and that from ears are actually linked, but that does not really mean that teething necessarily causes ear infections, or so they thought. Ear infections are usually gotten from things like the common cold during most of the times when children have it.

This cold usually comes three to four times before your baby begins to generally lose teeth. Ear infections and teething actually kind of have some symptoms that are similar to both, and while teething does not cause your ear to for all intents and purposes get infected, their underlying symptoms overlap at times.

Things like fuzziness, tiredness, appetite loss, sleep issues or lack of sleep, release of mucus and every other kind of negative expressions are examples of things that your baby may sort of display if he or she kind of has a teething session or an ear infection.

And while some people think that ear pulling and teething might have a relation, it is actually not so as many babies tend to specifically have that phase during the course of their livelihood. So them tugging their ears might really be out of play, or even to release stress.

If you find your baby tugging his or her ears, you should not be so worried as them doing it, a is actually the same as us tugging our own ears. And since ear infections cause lots of discomfort, it definitely is very important to know some signs that could specifically help you  detect this thing kind of early and face it.

Some special symptoms associated with ear infections


This literally is one thing that is associated with ear infections. The fever affects children when they have an infection in their outer or inner ears, and it could raise up to some abnormal disease. And while teething in babies also causes fevers, it is still not the same as that from a ear infection.

While fever from teething is very short lived and does not stay for a tangible amount of time, fever gotten from ear infections are not usually longer in time, and tend to stay for a tangible time range.

And while fever from teething is usually easy to treat, that from ear infections is usually very stubborn and hard to treat, which is kind of very significant. Essential it is actually advised to particularly take your baby to a doctor or clinic. If you notice any slight fever because as much as it could definitely be a minor teething issue, it could also be something else.

Fluid draining

This is another symptom you might actually find in your baby if he or she has ear related infections. And while this issue does not really happen every time, it does not really cause much issues. Fluid draining occurs as a result of the eardrum getting burst in a bad way.

This might sound very scary for a little baby, but it actually does mean much as the eardrum quickly heals itself and your baby might not suffer much in a subtle way. He or she might actually just get difficulties in hearing for a short period of time, or they might for the most part portray a slower reaction to happenings in their environment.

The surest way to generally know if your baby really has ear problems, is to check in with your doctor for tests that might actually aid you.

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Actions for parents to take if their baby actually has an ear infection

If your baby has an ear infection, the first thing you should do is to ensure that your baby definitely does not get his or her ears wet. Always ensure that your baby’s ears are always very dry as they would help in curtailing the breed of various microorganisms that might actually contribute to the ear infection.

If your baby has a fever, it is possible that you could specifically treat it with some prescribed drugs frim a pharmacist so that he or she will cool off before taking your baby to the doctor for a regular checkup. Always ensure that actually your baby has enough rest, and for the most part is very hydrated in a major way.

If your baby has not been feeling too well for up to two days, it is advised that you for all intents and purposes take the child to a medical center. The doctor in charge will really run lots of tests and if there is an issue of ear infections, you would generally be notified with the various drugs and practices to use while majorly curing that infection.

And after prescribing things like an antibiotic, the baby should be okay and normal in a week, as he or she is supposed to be. Always ensure that you take care of your baby and essentially make his or her environment as neat as possible, as this is the only way to literally prevent things like these.


There are many reasons why your baby might actually experience discomfort, and teething coupled with ear infections can actually bring about this predicament. And while growing out new tooth is a normal thing, infections in your baby’s ear bud is something that happens because of contamination gotten from his or her environment.

As a good parent, you should always ensure that your baby is under supervision. This is because these children do not have a clear reasoning like the adults, and they can do lots of stuff even without understanding it. Taking your baby to the hospital in case of an ear infection is also vital of you are serious about combating it.

If your baby is growing a be tooth, you should be very aware and ensure that he or she does not put foreign things in their mouth to avoid having their gums get infected. You could also buy drugs to ensure that their pain gets eased. If the teething needs manual removal, you should go see a dentist for the best results.

Dentists are professionals when it comes to teeth health and they are the only ones who can help in such situations. Taking care of your baby is a very vital thing and doing it the right way, makes the work very easy and fun to do.

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