Can Babies Have Hummus

Now that it has gotten to the time where you introduced new foods to your baby, some parents get overwhelmed, excited, and eager to take this step.

They have many foods they have seen babies interested in, watch a lot of healthy homemade food on the internet and engage in different activities to make this well planned. When babies try new things, especially new food, they tend to have a very funny face they make that is interesting to look at.

Can Babies Have Hummus

Can Babies Have Hummus

The satisfaction in the parent’s thoughts when they see the baby enjoying the healthy meal they prepared to have a balanced diet. This process of introducing new food requires a lot of research and patience, so you don’t feel frustrated when the baby ends up not enjoying the meal after the hard work you’ve put into preparing it.

When some food is introduced too quickly, it can cause reactions and allergies that could upset the tummy or cause diarrhea. Babies’ food must be made pureed, soft, and served in little quantity, so it does not choke them or become tiring to eat.

Some of the food parents introduce to their baby first is mashed vegetables with potato, carrot, mashed chickpeas, and the like.

What Is Hummus

Hummus can be described as a portion of food made from boiled, mashed chickpeas, and it is made with ingredients like tahini, lemon juice, and garlic. It is a very healthy snack and very tasty. It is good for children and adults; however, adults eat it as a dip for sauce or vegetable or spread on bread or crackers.

It can be bought in stores, malls, or better still gotten from making it at home. All you need to do is get the required recipe to make it.

This snack is common in the Middle Eastside, and this is a regular dish for them. They have this from the time of the old, and it is still unsure where it originated. The recipe of Hummus vary, and it depends on the country you are getting it from.

It is a very rich food with enough nutrients that are beneficial to the body. It is rich in vitamin E. B6, protein, potassium, and iron. Another ingredient that adds healthy benefits is olive oil and garlic used to prepare it.

Few tips on how to introduce Hummus

Introduction hummus to your child is a gradual process; feed them in small portions and mix it with their favorite meal so they won’t feel the difference. Then, give them a few days again before introducing another food. If your baby still doesn’t give in, they don’t enjoy Hummus.

Getting Hummus in stores that already have mass production of the snack might not have healthy nutrients that are okay for baby to digest, Also there might be preservatives or emulsifiers which are not healthy. It is best to prepare them homemade so you can include rich ingredients.

When the baby reaches a year old, you can now add more ingredients you’ll love your Hummus to have, for instance, mild spice, garlic, lemon juices, and the like.

Below are some of the benefits hummus gives babies

Hummus is one of the foods that are good for weaning is because of how nutritious it is and great for the healthy development of babies. It is packed with nutrients like;

  • protein: which helps the repair and grow the body
  • Fiber: it helps with healthy digestion after eating.
  • Iron: this helps fight and prevent low energy and anemia
  • Folate: great for providing healthy and strong red blood cells and avoiding the chance of having anemia
  • calcium: it helps grow healthy, strong teeth and bones
  • magnesium: it is good for building energy and keeps the bone healthy
  • Zinc: it helps give strength to the immune system
  • Vitamin B: helps give support to the nervous system and provides energy

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Is my baby allergic to Hummus?

Yes! Babies can be allergic to Hummus. This snack has ingredients like sesame seeds and tahini. These ingredients are popular to cause an allergic reaction.

Other ingredients in Hummus for extra flavoring are pepper, garlic, chickpeas, and lemon, but this is not linked to causing allergies. However, it is likely to happen in rare cases.

For foods that can cause allergies, it is best to introduce them to them one after the other to know which they react to. Also, give some days apart to tell which food is causing them the allergy reaction.

If you fear the seeds linked to causing allergy reaction, you should make the Hummus without adding the seeds.  Tahini is one of the most used ingredients in making Hummus, and it is in the form of a paste with sesame roasted seed with an oil well blended into a smooth paste.

Sesame seeds are very much like peanuts, and they can cause the body to have allergic reactions. It is one of the most allergic food that commonly affects. Researchers have it that children mostly get the sesame allergy reaction within two.

Here are some signs that sesame allergy causes children; anaphylaxis or itchy mouth, a life-threatening situation. When the child eats finish; these symptoms gradually grow and show affected areas. These are the more reasons why there should be days apart when you introduce food to your children.

Another ingredient that is primary for making Hummus is garlic; add the required amount that would be enough for the snack. The raw garlic’s taste is very strong and powerful; most recipes for Hummus are best used fresh.

However, there is still a high rate of getting an allergic reaction, and it can also affect with constant production of gas which makes babies uncomfortable.

The best advice is to stay away from garlic entirely and make the Hummus without it or add it and see how your child will react to it.

Listed below are some of the allergies babies can have, these are some of the symptoms to look out for if your baby is reacting to an allergy;

  1. consistent coughing, shortness of breath, and some wheeziness
  2. itching of the skin or body rashes
  3. swollen throat and lips
  4. red, sore, and itchy eyes
  5. blocked or running nose
  6. vomiting and diarrhea
  7. itchiness on the tongue and throat

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If your baby has some of these symptoms or you think they have an allergy reaction, speak to your doctor so you can get prescribed meditation.

But if the reaction is still mild, you can stop the particular food you feel is giving them reactions and don’t stop feeding them their favorite meals till you’ve spoken to your doctor because this can prevent them from getting important nutrients that are good for them their body.

Most importantly, it is best to stay away from seeds because they can affect the baby with severe allergic reactions and identify anaphylaxis, which can shorten the life span. If your baby has lost consciousness or has trouble breathing at any time, seek medical help.

In conclusion, making sure your baby gets a meal with all the essential benefits for the body is vital. It is great for both adults and babies.

It is safe to give them Hummus after they clock half a year without including all the ingredients that can cause allergic reactions for them.

The more they enjoy their new foods, you can add other flavors but be observant to see which they react to when they eat it.

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