Can Babies Die From Crying Too Much

Crying can never kill anyone, though crying is one of the ways babies communicate distress to their mother. Crying can be very stressful to the baby as it releases the stress hormone cortisol in the baby’s body.

Prolonged and repeated crying can lead to much cortisol, which usually damages a baby’s brain. Babies will cry when they are not comfortable, so parents need not worry when it happens, but crying that gets no attention is harmful and can damage the baby’s brain.

When a baby cries alone and is not attended to, it creates panic and anxiety in them. 

Can Babies Die From Crying Too Much? Here’s More To It

Excessive cry can be very dangerous to a baby’s health because their body and brain have adrenaline and the stress hormone cortisol. When it’s growing, their brain tissue is exposed to these hormones for extensive periods that will not allow the nerves to connect to other nerves and might eventually degenerate. 

Babies who usually have long day and night cry every day might suffer neurological effects that can harm their brain development. A baby can cry due to being separated from the mother, making the baby have an unusually high level of stress hormone and lower growth hormone.

An excessive cry from a baby can lead to unwanted future stress, affecting the baby’s neurotransmitter brain system. This can also lead to slight changes in the brain system of an adult that is suffering from depression. 

Can Babies Die From Crying Too Much

A baby that cries too much might have poor academic performance in school and might lead to a certain antisocial behavior. This problem might be a result of a lack of attention from their parent. When stress affects a child’s brain, the baby is left to cry all the time, leading to overactive adrenaline. 

This child might risk having increased aggression and always violence in the future because the brain stem circulates the body with adrenaline and every other stress hormones at the wrong time and frequently. The stress hormone cortisol destroys the nerve connection of an infant in a great deal.

When a baby is neglected and ignored when crying, some part of the brain in charge of emotional control might not be stimulated when they are young, which will not allow their brains to develop. The future reward of a cry baby is a violent and impulsive child. The response a baby gets when he or she is crying will help stimulate the nerve part of the brain responsible for emotional wellbeing.

All these problems explained below can occur to a crying baby if not attended by the mother:

A decrease in intellectual skills and social development: The most crucial reason why a child might continue to grow intellectually is the mother’s responsiveness when the baby is in need. Babies whose needs are not met in time will continue to cry, which might affect the child’s social and emotional development.

A health expert also argued that babies that usually cry excessively during the first three months generally have a lower IQ at five years. Babies with excessive cries during their early months of birth typically find it hard to control their emotions and, at times, become fussier when they try to console them.

They end up having some annoying qualities, and it takes time before they become independent. Another factor is Physiological changes; when a baby is separated from the mother, the baby will show an unstable temperature.

Prolong cry from a baby can lead to increased blood pressure in the baby’s brain, which awakens their stress hormones and stops blood from draining from the brain. Babies should be attended to consistently and comprehensively when they cry.

Though an already sick baby is expected to cry and babies who cry a lot are expected to fall ill. When a baby is crying, it is vital for you to figure out why they are crying to be sure that nothing serious is wrong with them and they are in good condition. 

It is tremendous abuse to ignore a crying baby, especially a newborn baby. The more your baby cry, the more they get scared and panicked. A baby can get exhausted and even faint after crying for a very long hour. 

Of course, there is always a reason why a baby is crying, and the mother should attend to them immediately. If a baby is ignored too much while crying, they feel forsaken and lonely, which may cause psychological problems for the baby while growing. 

Crying can affect a baby’s sleeping pattern in the future. Crying cannot kill a baby, but the primary condition that might aggravate the cry for an extended period might affect the child’s growth.

A baby might be having a heart problem; for instance, if the mother fails to attend to the baby or detect the cause of the child’s situation, the baby can die from the pain. So crying might not necessarily lead to death, but the cause of the cry might make the child feel very uncomfortable all the time and might hurt the child.

Babies that cries for a more extended period tend to have behavioral problems and poor academic performance. Prolong cry can lead to a baby being stressed out. The stress that comes with crying longer usually affect the brain development, and it kills synapses. 

The network that connects the brain system in the baby’s body will fail to establish. The cortisol in their saliva will remain high, which will indicate that they are stressed. This action can develop anxiety and depression when they grow older. 

When a set of connections is established from the prefrontal cortex to the part of the brain, they control anger and anxiety, but the child might always get angry if they are not. When a baby cries too much and not attended to, it affects his or her IQ and may end up becoming dependent later in the future

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