Best Sleeping Position For Colic Baby – Help For Colic Baby

When your baby has colic, the never-ending crying can drive you nuts. Does your baby have non-stop crying spells that can last more than 3 hours? They might be suffering from colic. Colic, unfortunately, has no specific definition, but it generally means excessive crying for no explainable reason. 

Most Pediatricians generally use the “Three’s Rule” to know if your baby has the condition, and these rules include; if your baby cries mainly during evening hours, for three or more hours, or repeatedly for three days in a week or longer than three weeks in a row, for no real reason. 

Colic usually starts around 3 to 5 weeks of the baby’s life and stops at about 6 to 8 weeks. Unlike normal infant crying, trials to stop colic babies by feeding like burping, rocking, or changing the diaper are not overly successful on their own; the condition subsidies around 3 to 4 months of age.

Finding the cause of colic is still going on through a long tunnel, and so, unfortunately, is the treatment. Many Desperate parents may have tried many supposedly ways or remedies, such as mustard oil massages, midnight car rides, swings, acupuncture, white noise machines.

Although some might find success with these so-called remedies, there are as little as no scientific results to back them up. Moreover, some babies may respond to some of these interventions, some will not respond to anyone at all, and many will respond to some of the remedies only sometimes.

“Generally, by the time you try everything, your baby has grown enough that a lot of the crying has minimized.”

Best Sleeping Position For Colic Baby

Best Sleeping Position For Colic Baby

Doctors have yet to determine the main cause of colic; it is tough to understand but not treat. Conventional medications, such as pain relief medications anti-gas, antacid, cannot “cure” the condition. One thing that might work: using the Five S’s that Is mimicking life inside the womb.

According to some experts, parents can try applying the “Five S’s” strategy to mimic the surroundings in the womb.  

Babies have an innate reflex that is triggered when they do things that resemble their fetal experience. “It is like an ‘off’ switch for crying,” Says some experts. The Five S’s include swaddling, shushing, swinging, sucking, and side or Stomach lying.

Some pediatricians say, “whenever a child follows the Five S’s. They will always calm down unless they are ill,” The Five S’s are as follows;


When you Wrap your baby’s arms softly on his sides but leave her legs loose and flexed so that her hips have room to move is called a swaddle.


Holding and rocking won’t spoil the baby,” “While In the womb, babies were held firm and rocked all the hours of the day. so even if you rock your infant 16 to 18 hours a day, it is a significant cutback for your baby.” It is a slow-motion that keeps the baby calm.

Indeed, a study had found that babies held by their parents for about 16 to 17 hours a day cried lesser than those whose parents held them for about 7 to 8 hours or less daily. Check out the best swing for colicky babies.


“Noises are louder than a vacuum cleaner, inside the womb” Mimicking womb-like sounds help babies sleep longer like radio static.

Some baby music might help; even the sound of rain or the noise of a hairdryer might also work. Babies find these loud noises comforting because these noises are what they hear in the womb.


Try giving your baby a pacifier because Babies have a strong urge to suckle in the first few months of their life, and satisfying that urge will easily calm a fretful infant. While some breastfed babies may refuse it and want to be breastfed, it will relieve others.

Side/Stomach Lying

Please Note: Babies should never be set to sleep on their side or Stomach because it can increase SIDS. Instead, you can position your baby across your lap with their head resting safely in your lap. Also, it is way easier to calm an upset baby when lying on their side or Stomach.

You also need to remember that each baby is different. Some may need sucking and swinging, while others don’t settle until you add swaddling. And extra-fussy kids usually need four or five S’s done all at once, with vigor, to switch on their calming reflex. So try as much as you can till you get the one that will soothe your baby.

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Some other ways to help your baby with colic 

It Is essential to understand that you are not at fault; it is not in any way associated with you or your feeding method, it doesn’t mean you can’t parent a child or any other thing”. You can experiment with some of these remedies if you are anxious to reduce your baby’s crying till you find the best one.

You are free to inquire with your doctor about probiotics; probiotics may sometimes relieve colic symptoms. For example, in a study of 83 infants, crying was reduced by 75 percent 25-28 days after babies received them—25% for the babies given simethicone.

And some parents who gave colicky babies other probiotics for two weeks straight didn’t notice any decrease in symptoms. So if you feel like trying this method, look for probiotics made only for babies and confirm from your doctor, or get an infant formula that contains Lactobacillus.

For instructions on using this beneficial bacteria, consult your doctor. You could also inquire your pediatrician about switching to a soy-based, easily predigested formula, like Similac Alimentum.

Pacing back and forth across a room with your baby in a carrier. It has been found that babies carried in the arms, in front carriers, or slings for 3 to 4 or more hours a day reduced their crying and discomfort than those babies who were not carried at all.

Massaging your baby; Massage is a good assistant for prevent and improving relaxation in babies. Gently rub their back, belly, arms, and legs in soft strokes. To enhance your technique, take a class or read one of the many books available books.

Please take a few minutes off; New mothers often feel guilty or resentful for wanting a break from their newborns. But doctors say leaving the baby in a safe place, such as a crib or playpen, and walking away, even for a couple of minutes, is something you can try when crying aims at pushing you past your endure limits. “Even shutting out the loudness of a cry by going to another room or outside can calm the tension. 

Why is there a need for a few minutes of separation? There’s a connection between too much crying and a baby’s injury. In the Netherlands, a survey of close to 3,000 babies revealed that more than 6 percent had shaken, pushed, or slapped their baby at least once because they were crying continually.

Experiment with your diet; consider eliminating gassy foods, dairy, or vegetables like cabbage and cauliflower during breastfeeding. Also, have a minute caffeine intake, and consider giving up spicy foods. Then, if your baby’s crying does not improve in a couple of weeks, you can go back to your normal diet.

Getting out the gas. Excess gas can be a culprit of colic causes. So holding your baby’s leg for 5- 10 minutes can help remove gas. Also, switching to a bottle limits the air your baby takes in. Also, Burping frequently during feedings may help too.

Consider professional help; “Crying and tiredness can be causes for marital distress, postpartum stress, abuse, excessive visits to the doctor, or overdose of baby medication, as well as smoking, home accidents, and probably obesity.

When you’re so tired, you can unknowingly make bad food decisions,” So you can think about asking your doctor for a referral to a mental health specialist who can help you balance reactions with the impact of your baby’s crying if you feel the need to.

Some parents have also mentioned using wet napkins using a wet, cold cloth on the tummy for half an hour. Wet it thrice or more during this time to keep the cloth cold, and they believe it might have helped.

Summary – Best Sleeping Position For Colic Baby

Parents tend to desert these, stopping the crying too quickly if it doesn’t prove a miracle. The most method takes about 5 minutes to manifest its effect. So if it doesn’t help in 5 minutes, you don’t have to lose hope just yet but move on to the next remedy that might be your lucky one.

Colic is as difficult for babies as it is for their parents, so it is vital parents take care of themselves during these times. “Accept your feelings of anger, tiredness and, sometimes, even rage,” These feelings are completely normal, as long as you don’t make an effort to or act upon them.

And also, try not to forget that they will eventually outgrow this phase in a while. Soon, you will be more at ease than you can ever imagine, and your baby will be smiling again.

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