Baby Sounds Congested But No Mucus In Nose

Your baby’s frequent sniffing can be caused by congestion and isn’t really a serious medical emergency. For example, your baby might sound congested, and you may not find any mucus or boogers in their nose.

You don’t need to start panicking when it is continuous in your baby and start thinking about taking your baby to the hospital; it may just be due to little nasal troubles.

Baby Sounds Congested But No Mucus In Nose – Here’s Why

All babies can sound congested, even healthy babies. And this is because they are very little human beings with very few digestive systems and even minute nostrils and nasal passages. Their nostrils and air passageways are very tiny as well.

So, it will be effortless for their tiny nasal pathways to become infected by little things like dryness or dust. But sometimes, a bit of mucus in your baby’s nose maybe just a normal aspect of their growth and development.

But, there are a few things that can impact the amount of congestion your baby has. And there are some home remedies you can try to help your baby reduce congestion and also some signs and symptoms that, when you notice them, you need to tell your doctor.

Premature Born Babies

If your baby had been born prematurely, every body organ they have would be extra smaller than the normal born baby, so their smaller nasal airways may promote congestion and easier to be infected by bacteria.

Bad Air Intake

The smell of cigarettes or tobacco, the smell of some household cleaning agents, a new perfume with harsh smell, maybe the new color you just painted in his or her room, the smell of some surface varnishes, can easily irritate the nasal airway of a baby.

Low humidity, sunny weather, and dry air can irritate and dry your baby’s nose. This can probably be a change of environment or placing your baby in a hot area.

Change In Weather After Baby Is Born

Maybe your baby was born in the summer, and after a while, winter starts. A decrease in temperature can slightly affect your baby and can likely make your baby sound more congested.


Some congestion is due to the growth process, but not all are; not all babies will outgrow the congestion period. Because sometimes congestion in babies can be related to illness and can worsen if you don’t know when it is more than just growth. Congestion could be because of illnesses like; Respiratory syncytial, fever, Cold, the flu.

If you notice that congestion has gone on for a few weeks, and in those weeks has progressed and affected your baby’s breathing or lungs is a huge red flag to notify you of a severe condition such as; Cystic fibrosis(if your baby has this medical condition, you would be told after birth),  Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Asthma. And you should take your baby to the doctor immediately.

Signs That Your Baby Is Congested

Many things show your baby has a congested nasal airway. A few things are;

  • Running nose
  • Snoring while sleeping
  • Loud sniffles
  • Difficulty during feedings
  • The nose may be a little bit blocked
  • Loud breathing
  • Slight cough
  • Sneezing

Even with these signs, your baby would still be able to breathe without discomfort. If your baby has any of these symptoms and is vomiting, has a fever, you should call a doctor. If these above signs turn into

  • Breathing becomes an effort.
  • Sniffing turns into hard breaths.
  • Increase in the amount of urine your baby normally passes.
  • In and out, Flaring of their nose every time your baby breaths.
  • If the congestion interferes with their sleep.
  • High rising and falling of your baby’s chests when breathing.
  • Your baby does not eat as much as before.

These are dangerous signs that something is going wrong in your baby’s body, and you should visit your doctor as soon as possible. But if your baby is eating fine, sleeping well, and has a normal dirty diaper. Then you do not need to see a doctor; it isn’t anything serious.

How To Unblock Baby Nose Naturally

Looking for a way to assist your congested baby feel better? You should try some home remedies; you might not be seeing any mucus in your baby’s nose because there is a possibility that since they are always lying on their back, mucus can be stored at the back of their throat or nose.

Try as much as possible to use nasal aspirators because they can be unhealthy for your baby. Here are some home remedies that will help your baby ease congestion ;

  • Giving your baby a warm bath frequently will help clear congested airways and free the nose of mucus hidden.
  • Giving your baby a little saline drop in each nose can help release mucus. Your baby might sneeze the mucus out, or the mucus may come out on its own. Either way, the saline drop will help loosen the mucus.
  • Making use of a cool air humidifier to prevent dryness from getting into your baby’s airways and irritating their airway as well.
  • Putting your baby in a swing that is safe and holding him well. Your baby is always being placed to lie on their back for long moments, especially while sleeping, so swinging them a few minutes a day will help reduce congestion. Do not try to change your baby’s sleeping position by placing anything else in the crib not to push the risk of SIDS.
  • Making use of your thumbs to gently give your baby a facial massage by rubbing your baby’s face, nose, nasal bridge, forehead, temples, cheeks. It Will help to free the nasal passage of your baby.
  • Ensure the atmosphere your baby resides in is free from dust, pathogens, burning smokes, allergens. Germ-free air and surfaces will reduce your baby’s increase in congestion. So make sure you’re your house is always clean. And clean with baby-friendly cleaning agents.

Summary – Baby Sounds Congested But No Mucus In Nose

Do try to avoid vapor rub, although some people may advise making use of it. It is not the best choice for babies. Also, do not try to administer any cold or fever medications to your baby.

If needed, you can inquire with your doctor about any other options of treatments. If not, it is advised to make use of the home remedies above.

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